Fordítás: Angol-magyar Magyar-angol


1. lemond
- to abdicate
- to call off
- to disclaim
- to discontinue
- to forsake, forsook, forsaken
- to put away
- to renounce
- to resign
- to scuttle
- to surrender
- to throw up
- to vacate
- to waive
2. lemond a további kutatásról vki után
- to give sy up for lost
3. lemond állampolgárságáról
- to expatriate oneself
4. lemond tervéről
- to give up one's plan
5. lemond vmiről
- to despair
- to forego, forewent, foregone
- to forgo, forwent, forgone
- to give up
- to go without sg
- to lay down
- to pass up
- to relinquish
- to write off
6. lemond vmiről mert nem felel meg
- to give sg up as a bad job
7. lemondás
- abandonment
- abdication
- abnegation
- cancellation
- disclaimer
- regrets
- renouncement
- renunciation
- resignation
- surrender
- waiver
- waiver of a right
8. lemondás vmiről
- jettisoning
9. lemondat
- to depose
10. lemondó
- resigned
11. lemondó személy
- disclaimer
12. lemondóan
- resignedly
13. lemondólevél
- resignation
14. lemondtak a beteg életéről
- the patient was given up
15. lemondtak róla
- his life is despaired of