Fordítás: Angol-magyar Magyar-angol


1. ragaszkodik
- to adhere
- to cleave, clave, cleaved
- to cleave, clove, cleaved
- to cleave
- to cling, clung
- to hang on
- to hold, held
- to hold to
- to stick to
2. ragaszkodik a formaságokhoz
- to stand on ceremony
3. ragaszkodik a hagyományokhoz
- to maintain the respectabilities
4. ragaszkodik a társadalmi hagyományokhoz
- to maintain the respectabilities
5. ragaszkodik az álláspontjához
- he won't bate a yot
6. ragaszkodik jogaihoz
- to assert one's rights
7. ragaszkodik vkihez
- to cotton on to sy
- to cotton to sy
8. ragaszkodik vmi megtételéhez
- to be insistent that sg shall be done
9. ragaszkodik vmihez
- to hold by
- to hold on to sg
- to hug
- to insist
- to insist on sg
- to insist that
- to insist upon sg
- to keep to
- to persist
- to stand upon